cPanel is most popular control panel in the web hosting industry which is generally used on Linux hosting server to manage available resources for a website. The Cpanel control panel is renowned, because of its easy functionality and simplicity.

The simple looking graphical user interface enables user to do more besides its main feature. This control panel enable you to handle your website efficiently and monitor it accurately. It is a control panel which has proven its suitability, simplicity of features, stability, security and premium functionality, which is why its most reliable and famous.

  1. Reconfigure Spamd service or disable it completely:Spamd is memory resource intensive process. The best way to tweak this process is to install CPanel Addon Called ‘Spamdconf’. Do the steps mentioned below for installing and managing Spamdconf.Login to your WHM as root -> Navigate to Cpanel category -> click on Manage Plugins -> Look for ‘SpamdConf’ and select ‘Install and Keep Updated’ -> Click Save.After this refresh your WHM -> Navigate to Plugins Category -> Click on Spamd Startup Configuration -> Set Maximum Children to value 2 -> Then hit submit button.It will reduce your memory usage on the server.


    To turn it off Spamd do the following:

    Log into WHM -> Under Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> Disable ‘Enable SpamAssassin spam filter’


    Log into WHM -> go to Service Manager -> Disable Spamd

  2. Stop MailmanIf you or any of your customers are not using mail listings in cPanel, then to disable Mailman.Log into WHM -> Under Server Configuration -> Click Tweak Settings -> Disable ‘Enable Mailman mailing lists’
  3. Disable Tomcat on a VPS (high memory usage service).Run these commands in SSH:
    # rm -Rf /usr/local/jakarta
    #service chkservd stop
    # cd /etc/chkserv.d
    # rm -Rf tomcat
    # cd /var/run/chkservd
    # rm -Rf Tomcat_JSP
    # service chkservd start
    # /usr/sbin/stoptomcat
    # rm -f /usr/sbin/starttomcat
    # rm -f /usr/sbin/startomcat
    # rm -f /usr/sbin/stoptomcat
  4. Then you will need to take out these lines from your httpd.conf and restart Apache service.# LoadModule jk_module libexec/
    # AddModule mod_jk.c
    # Include=”/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf
  5. Disable CatchAll

If you are getting mail attack, catch all email account can use up all resources and disk storage.

Log into WHM -> Under Server Configuration -> Click Tweak Settings -> Change ‘Initial default/catch-all forwarder destination’ to fail